Lab 7: Terrain (Vertex Normals Solution)

Here's the code for obtaining a given vertex's normals.

It's fine to copy-and-paste this code, but do try to understand it!

Back to that section

// Computes the normal of a vertex by averaging neighbors
glm::vec3 TerrainGenerator::getNormal(int row, int col) {
    // Task 9: Compute the average normal for the given input indices

    glm::vec3 normal = glm::vec3(0, 0, 0);
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> neighborOffsets = { // Counter-clockwise around the vertex
     {-1, -1},
     { 0, -1},
     { 1, -1},
     { 1,  0},
     { 1,  1},
     { 0,  1},
     {-1,  1},
     {-1,  0}
    glm::vec3 V = getPosition(row,col);
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
     int n1RowOffset = neighborOffsets[i][0];
     int n1ColOffset = neighborOffsets[i][1];
     int n2RowOffset = neighborOffsets[(i + 1) % 8][0];
     int n2ColOffset = neighborOffsets[(i + 1) % 8][1];
     glm::vec3 n1 = getPosition(row + n1RowOffset, col + n1ColOffset);
     glm::vec3 n2 = getPosition(row + n2RowOffset, col + n2ColOffset);
     normal = normal + glm::cross(n1 - V, n2 - V);
    return glm::normalize(normal);