Welcome to CS 1230!
Welcome to CS 1230, the longest-running computer graphics course in the known universe!
This course offers an in-depth exploration of fundamental concepts in 2D and 3D computer graphics. It introduces 2D raster graphics techniques (image creation/manipulation/filtering), as well as 3D modeling, viewing, and rendering (using both raytracing and real-time rendering on the GPU). Along the way, you'll learn to program in C++ and the shading language GLSL, and learn to use the OpenGL library. The course culminates in an open-ended group final project in which you and your teammates use the skills you've learned throughout the semester to make some cool visual effects.
Check out the course missive for more information on prerequisites, assignments, workload, etc.
Tip: Use the dropdown at the top right of the Google Calendar embed to filter by event type!
Google Calendar and iCalendar subscription links
For Google Calendar: While logged in to your Google account, click on the links below to add them to your Google Calendar.
For iCalendar: Secondary-click on the links below and select "Copy Link Address" to copy the link to your clipboard. Then, follow the instructions for your calendar app to add a calendar subscription using the link. Do not download and import the .ics
files directly, as they will not update if the calendar changes.
Name | Google Calendar | iCalendar | Description |
Assignments | Link | Link | Contains project and lab timelines. |
Ed Hours | Link | Link | Contains Ed hours. |
Hours | Link | Link | Contains TA hours and Daniel's office hours. |
Sections | Link | Link | Contains algo discussion sections. |
Lectures | Link | Link | Contains lectures and other events held during lecture. |
CS 1230 is brought to you by the following lovely people:

Professor • dritchi1 • he/him
Has an Erdős number of 4, a Bacon number of 3, and (debatably) an Erdős-Bacon number of 7.

HTA • aortiz18 • he/him
I’m a senior from Nicaragua studying APMA-CS. I like playing tennis, doing escape rooms and animated films.

HTA • spark265 • he/him
Hi. I’m a senior from Massachusetts who likes talking and jazz and making sound with his mouth. Graphics is so fun I put my thumbs up. Favorite use of graphics: the Spider-Verse movies.

UTA • gdhanda • he/him
Hi! I'm a junior from Denver studying CS and Econ. I love playing guitar and sleeping and being a graphics TA and mike's calzones on thayer.

UTA • aidhant • he/him
I call India and Oman home. I am a junior studying Computer Science and filmmaking. My favorite movie: Dead Poets Society. My favorite fact: You've got this :)).

UTA • emickels • he/him
I am a senior from San Diego. Aside from CS, I enjoy music and running. To me, the most impressive usage of graphics is in the Unreal Game Engine.

UTA • smorri21 • he/him
Is a senior from Charlottesville, VA. Enjoys playing guitar, watching movies, and going for the occasional hike!

UTA • pmunamcq • he/him
I’m a junior from the DMV who really likes computer science, math, and machine learning. I’m also the biggest LeBron James fan. My favorite application of graphics is gaussian splatting!

UTA • lriley2 • he/him
I'm from Los Angeles. I'm a senior concentrating in CS and Modern Culture & Media. My favorite use of graphics is Cyberpunk 2077.

UTA • ksaripal • he/him
I’m a senior from the San Francisco Bay Area and a TA for this course. I like interactive graphics software, like Spline, and making things with bloom.

UTA • syoo28 • she/her
I’m a senior from Salt Lake City, UT, studying CS and APMA. I love to run, play guitar, and solve NYT word games. Favorite use of graphics: Pixar’s Soul.

Grad TA • fzaghlou • he/him
I'm a CS graduate student from Jordan. Can reliably be found nearby coding, lifting, and/or drinking coffee. Love (video) gaming, hiking, and taking pretty photos

UTA • szhan257 • she/her
Hey! I’m Sophie, a senior concentrating in CS. In my free time, I enjoy drawing and playing video games (which is also my favorite application of graphics!)